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- Volume III - No 1 - Janvier 2005 |
in Web-Based Human Resource Technology Pay off, According to Towers Perrin Survey
- Business Wire
Business Wire via NewsEdge Corporation : NEW YORK--(BUSINESS
WIRE)--Nov. 10, 2003-- Companies Implementing HR Self-Service via the Web Report
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Web-based self-service
is delivering on its promise to reduce HR's administrative workload and improve
data accuracy and timeliness, according to Towers Perrin's sixth annual HR Service
Delivery Survey of nearly 200 of the world's leading organizations. The survey
results show that employee self-service has reduced HR's administrative workload
at 60% of the participating companies and manager self-service has eased HR's
administrative burden for nearly half of the respondents.
"In addition
to these benefits, companies have been able to eliminate other HR service delivery
'channels', such as voice response systems and paper-based transactions, thus
adding hard-dollar savings to productivity improvements," said Thomas Keebler,
a Towers Perrin Principal and expert in HR service delivery solutions. "This
shifting of administrative and transactional work to self-service frees HR professionals
from mundane tasks and allows them to focus on opportunities to add value to the
organization on a strategic level."
The growth in the use of the Web
to deliver HR services is most apparent in the employee self-service arena, where
fully 90% of respondents provide access to Web-based 401(k) information and transactions,
and 73% offer online annual benefit enrollment. Further, by the end of 2004, nearly
90% will offer online enrollment, with half making the Web the only enrollment
Web-Based Tools Support Employee and Manager Self-Sufficiency
departments are also increasingly using Web-based self-service to provide employees
with more information about their benefits, including tools to help them select
the best health plan, doctor and/or hospital for their needs. Further, by 2004,
more than 90% of respondents will allow employees to view HR policies online and
89% will let employees change their personal data on the Web compared to 66% in
Although slower to roll out, a broad array of manager self-service
tools are projected to be on managers' desktops in about half of the companies
surveyed by the end of 2004.
"What we are seeing is a transformation
in the way HR delivers its services -- a transformation that is expanding into
more and more areas of HR," said Joe Bender, a consultant in Towers Perrin's
HR Delivery Solutions practice and co-author of the survey. "We expect this
trend to continue as companies see a measurable return on their HR technology
investments." According to the survey, HR departments are facing
several key issues over the next 18 months that will also drive this transformation.
Respondents said implementation and expansion of HR self-service, including employee
and manager self-service, is their most pressing issue, followed closely by upgrading
HR systems, such as PeopleSoft and SAP, to support more self-service, and standardizing/streamlining
HR systems and processes.
About the Survey
Towers Perrin
conducted the 2003 HR Service Delivery surveyvia the Web in the first quarter
of 2003. More than 180 companies, representing millions of workers in such industries
as financial and insurance services, technology, manufacturing, transportation,
utilities, health care and retail, participated. To participate in the 2004 HR
Service Delivery Survey, companies can visit www.tphrscsurvey.com
and choose the Questions/Comments option from the menu bar.
About Towers
Towers Perrin is one of the world's largest management, human
resource consulting and administration firms. It helps organizations manage their
investment in people to achieve measurable performance improvements, focusing
on human resource strategy and service delivery, benefit and compensation design
and implementation, employee and organizational communication, HR technology and
outsourced administration. Towers Perrin is part of a broader family of businesses
that also includes Tillinghast - Towers Perrin, a management consultancy for financial
services companies worldwide, and Towers Perrin Reinsurance, a reinsurance intermediary
and consultancy. Together, these businesses have over 9,000 employees and 79 offices
in 77 cities and 24 countries. More information about Towers Perrin is available
at www.towersperrin.com.
Towers Perrin Kathleen Carroll, 215-246-4435 kathleen.carroll@towers.com
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